Kirk's Trash Talk Page

Monday, May 30, 2005

Stalking Trash Talk

I've seen better stalkings worn by the 1983 Los Angeles Lakers.
You suck at Stalking. (sorry Mike)
Oh you were stalking me I just thought you were lost over the past 4 years.
I don't care how much you like me I won't play peek a boo with you.
You have the stealth of a bull in a Nitro Glycerine Shop.

I swear I am not stalking you.......REALLY!!!!!! I thought this was MY bathtub.....

I've seen better stalks in the vegetable section at the Superstore

i've heard of better stalking methods in a Clay Aitken song...

no, i don't want to go out with you. i'd rather slide down a bannister of razor blades and then soak in a tub of rubbing alcohol than go out with you. so you don't have to be wierd around me, ok? Ok.
you don't know me

"YOU DON'T KNOW ME" totally tried to rip off Weird Al, in a sad kind of way...we are glad "we don't know you"....At least be a smart thief! What has plagiarism come too?

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Running Trash Talk

Running? More like walking really fast.
You run like Richard Simmons.
You are Richard Simmons.
I've seen better runners on the side of a car.
I hope you're running towards the light because you're useless here.

you suck at running...(sigh)

Rossy I think I am beginning to a pattern with your trash talk-very original!

As for running trash talk- nice shoes, maybe you should go barefoot because the shoes sure ain't helping!
Brando Melanson

there's no pattern. i suck at trash talk.

i've seen better runns in my grandmas pantyhose

I've seen better runs at the hospital during influenza season........

to continue with the crap pattern, "ive seen better runs in my babies diaper" well not yet, but i want to...

you run like ross perot...

If running means I have to look like you when doing it, I'll spend the rest of my life tiptoeing, thank you very much.

You run like a girl
Kirk Perry

I've seen better running out my nasal cavity during cold season.
Kirk Perry

Running trash talk: "pffff. you call that running? kirk perry has a faster turnover than you!"
"That Laura girl"

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Monday, May 02, 2005

Chess Trash Talk

Nice castle I'm sure Prince Charles would approve.
I've seen better Queens at a Harvey Firestein lookalike convention.
No really please someone search for Bobby Fischer. This guy stinks.
Smooth move exlax now you're in some Deep Blue.

the only stalemate you'll ever experience is your wife...

amazing. i’ve never seen playing that is more offensive to the kibitzers than the kibitzees.


i can take your bishop easier than your little brother does between services!

Kill Whitey!!!

Good game. For future referance if you just lay down your king you could have saved yourself 2 moves.

No you can't change your move because, unlike your man part, you took your hand off.

I'll make you a deal - I'll stop trying if you'll stop sucking. (Iguess that could work for any category)

"Wow, how did you do that"
"Easy! It's a four move mate.
1. I put my pawn here.
2. Then I slide my bishop here.
3. Then I move my queen here.
4. Then I pull my foot out of you ass."

Nice move. Freddy Mercury would be proud.

Maybe we should just start calling my king "Daddy".

Tie Domi vs. Bobby Fischer:
Fischer- Check!
Domi- Check this!

Commentator-What a check by Domi, looks like we will be searching for Fischer well into the next millenium.
Brando Melanson

no you idiot i will not king you....

you suck at chess!

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